Jackson Clinic | Logo For Appointments: 731.422.0213

Leading West Tennessee

in Quality of Care

At The Jackson Clinic, the well-being of our patients is at the center of everything we do. We pride ourselves on quality of care for our Medicare patients, and we were recently given a 4.5 out of 5 Medicare Advantage Star Rating, above the national average.* 

* 4 of 5 Stars


  • Preventive Health and Wellness
  • Chronic Condition Management
  • Patient Experience 
  • Prevention of Readmission  
  • Medication Adherence

Our team of over 140 Medical Providers coordinate care in
over 25 medical specialties and sub-specialties.

Meet Our Medical Providers 


The Star Ratings system helps people with Medicare, their families, and their caregivers compare the quality of health and drug plans being offered. Medicare health and drug plans are given a rating on a 1 to 5-star scale, with 1 star representing poor performance and 5 stars representing excellent performance. Medicare beneficiaries can compare health coverage choices and the Star Ratings through the online Medicare Plan Finder tool available at Medicare.gov